A new favorite quotation of mine,
That I have happened to stumble upon.
While reading Oprah's book ‘Words that Matter’
Has really gotten me in thoughtful trance.
We all try our positivity and characteristics to enhance,
Even if bad times stumble upon us.
We continue to move forward,
We give happiness a chance.
What does it mean to disappoint?
To let someone so much down,
That you are the cause of their frown.
Or to be disappointed, filled with pessimistic thoughts in
your head.
Why would we put ourselves through such negativity?
Do we not realize that with disappointment comes misery?
The quote was written by Alexander pope,
I value it so much; He has become a favored poet.
“Blessed is he who excpects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed”
Let that line sink into your head,
Wouldn’t you prefer to think this way?
To enable your mind to be strong.
Not with disappointment
to easily sway?
We should learn to replace expectations with gratitude,
I am happy the sun does shine,.
But if with morrow comes rain I shall not whine.
Because it is natural for weather to change,
I cannot expect for the universe to go alone with my preferred
Therefore each and every occurrence I will treasure,
I hope you know I am not only doing about storms.
But I am applying this to my life,
This train of thought will help me become a better woman,
mother and wife.
And possibly rid all disappointment, expectations and