Wednesday, March 1, 2017

In her eyes

In her eyes,
The world is pure.
Colors are beautiful,
Nature she does adore.

In her eyes,
The world is peaceful.
Birds chirp as dogs bark back,
Roosters call and squirrels climb over it all.

In her eyes,
Humans are all alike.
And every person receives a bright hello just the same.
She does not judge by color or race,
To her every person is a beautiful face.

In her eyes,
We are all good and truthful.
She would be astounded were she aware of people’s abundant lies.
Because in her eyes,
The sun does always shine.
Even during a thunderstorm,
She finds reason to dance.
During the snow blizzard,
She was so fascinated by the little white crystals falling for the sky.
Because the world is magnificent in her eye.

Taking her to the park,
Is an adventure in itself.
she excitedly waves at all the passerby,
Looking out for animals and when spotting one,
She gives an excited cry.

For in her eyes,
The world is ever fascinating.
She is curious, trying to understand,
What people do, what others may be saying.

In her eyes,
I am superwoman.
I shall not try to convince her otherwise,
In her eyes I do no wrong.
Joining in passionately,
Whenever I break into song.

In her eyes I see love,
In her eyes I see the light and joy I named her for.
In her eyes I see myself as a mother she does adore,
I shall never cease working.
On the image of myself, in her eyes,
Because if her expectations of me are the best,
How can I fail?
When in her eyes my heart always lies.

Re-post Wednesdays

I wrote this on March 1 2012,
I had to re-post this article since I still feel very strongly about this,
the only thing we can change in this world is ourselves.

You can't make up your mind 
As to who you want to be 
So indecisive 
About what you are to do 
You doubt good decisions 
& constantly second guess yourself 
You never raise your expectations 
And place upon yourself tough limitations. 
You consider yourself a failure
Because you fear success
You have no confidence
In your appearance or actions
You wait with bated breath
For life to get better
Counting the days
For the arrival of your happiness treasure
You have many hopes and desires
Dreams and fears
& u always think that no one cares
You read into words spoken
Looking for hidden meanings
Questioning you fellow mates gleamings
Please pick up a mirror
And see yourself beautiful
Think about you're actions
Smart and wise
You are kind and well liked
Honest and true
Stop being busy waiting for change
Have you forgotten what you have?
Many wish to be lucky as u?
Stop crying for shoes when some have no feet
Overcome your self negativity prove your sadness defeat
You always say you want to change the world
The best place to begin would be with yourself
So please be happy
And stop waiting for materialistic things to make you.

Be the change you want to see in the world

The only thing we can change in this world is ourselves
The world may be going to hell
With all the political dismay
Hate crimes happening each day
People depressed buried in dismay
Unsure which direction to head in,
 lost aimlessly from path to path they sway
Fearing the echo of their own voice
Their unique perspective will be unaccepted,
 For it makes far too much noise
So we are all captains of sinking ships
Smiling falsely, yet with reality we lose grips
Looking for contentment by fattening our hips
Painting a smile, onto our shouting lips
And we all see the misery of others
Empathetically try to help our sisters and brothers
But how can we help each other if we constantly fall?
If our knees are too weak and sink to the ground

How do we expect to stand tall?
By taking care of ourselves we can help those around
and together link hands & rise up from the ground.