Thursday, January 26, 2017

He who expects, will only face regrets

A new favorite quotation of mine,
That I have happened to stumble upon.
While reading Oprah's book ‘Words that Matter’
Has really gotten me in thoughtful trance.
We all try our positivity and characteristics to enhance,
Even if bad times stumble upon us.
We continue to move forward,
We give happiness a chance.
What does it mean to disappoint?
To let someone so much down,
That you are the cause of their frown.
Or to be disappointed, filled with pessimistic thoughts in your head.
Why would we put ourselves through such negativity?
Do we not realize that with disappointment comes misery?
The quote was written by Alexander pope,
I value it so much; He has become a favored poet.
“Blessed is he who excpects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed”
Let that line sink into your head,
Wouldn’t you prefer to think this way?
To enable your mind to be strong.
 Not with disappointment to easily sway?
We should learn to replace expectations with gratitude,
I am happy the sun does shine,.
But if with morrow comes rain I shall not whine.
Because it is natural for weather to change,
I cannot expect for the universe to go alone with my preferred weather.
Therefore each and every occurrence I will treasure,
I hope you know I am not only doing about storms.
But I am applying this to my life,
This train of thought will help me become a better woman, mother and wife.
And possibly rid all disappointment, expectations and strife.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


As a writer I often edit other people’s resumes,
In order to assist them with their job application.
So that they can upgrade their financial situation.
And on every single resume I’ve seen to  this day,
One of the skills always written,
Is the ability to multi task.
To go from one requirement to the other fast,

I beg to differ to those who think this method of work is ideal,
Even my own boss expects me to work so fast as if time I could steal.
When we multitask, we are not doing both activities at the same time.
Our brain simply jumps from one side to the other.
which uses quite a bit of brain cells, and in essence slows you down.
If you listen to music while driving your focus lessens by 30%*.

In this fast past society we are always doing, running, accomplishing & overcoming.
We are on the go with tasks at hand,
 Ready to accomplish anything, to follow orders or commands.
Now just imagine how your brain looks when you are texting while driving.

In a 2008 University of Utah study, drivers took longer to reach their destinations when they chatted on cell phones.
Listen to what the psychologist who wrote this study said
multi tasking is like “a pie chart, and whatever we’re working on is going to take up the majority of that pie.
There’s not a lot left over for other things, with the exception of automatic behaviors like walking or chewing gum.”
Moving back and forth between several tasks actually wastes productivity, he says, because your attention is expended on the act of switching gears—plus, you never get fully “in the zone” for either activity. Guy Winch, PhD  

What will happen if we decide not to multi task anymore?
Will our work lack quality? Will we be late to complete our chore?
Say we give 100% and we learn to be mindful
To be mindful is to fully focus ones awareness on the present moment,
to be in a constant meditative state.
If you can achieve this, this too shall lower your stress rate

I’d like to be able to say I do not multi task.
I give my all to the job at hand so I can efficiently move onward.
Multi tasking overwhelms the brain and stresses us out.
So you are required to get a lot done in a short time span?
And you find yourself laughing at all I am saying
For you think you cannot do it all one thing at a time
Well then you do not understand the message I am conveying

I know what its like to have  long lists in my head
I have a demanding job
A beautiful yet so very busy child,
Who keeps me running around on my feet
Constantly doing things, until my tired body hits the bed
I can be there for my responsibilities while doing other less important things
But what does this accomplish? Even if more success it may bring
My brain will be a mess,
My priorities out of order
And the quality of my effort will be insufficient to what my capabilities are
For I can mutli taskingly do great
But if I fully focus on the present moment
 I can mindfully do amazing.,,20707868,00.html

Monday, January 2, 2017


As you look at your list of new year goals,
Focus on the ones that will better you.
To eradicate bad behaviors,
We must replace them with new.

You may have a intellect as large as Brooklyn public library,
But all that knowledge is of no value.
If you don't take the first step of actions,
And apply those lessons to you.

I read so many books I devour them whole.
but reading and storing them in a file,
will not change me or make me filled with ambition.
all that intellect simply furthers me from my mission.

True change comes from within,
We need to want success, to have the desire to win.
Now you can consider yourself a failure,
Filled with pain to the brim.

Because your past actions have not been up to far?
So you've caused damage, despite coming so far?
If all you view yourself as, is your shortcomings,
Then one big pessimistic mass is all that you are!

You are all the words your spouse has written in their love letter,
You are your success and positivity.
You are great simply for the desire to eradicate negativity.

To be able to change , love others and reach our goals.
With ourselves we must feel whole.
It is not selfish to love oneself.
It is selfless, for yours truly needs the most help.

Apply all the intellect you have in your head,
Replace all the bad behaviors,
Eradicate them with mindful peace making files instead.

There is no use stressing about others.
They are neither in your control,
Nor can they influence you from reaching your goals.
Only you are the captain of your ship!

Once you realize that, all your self destructive behaviors you can rip.
We all want to be great,
Even those that focus on hate instead of love,
They are simply focusing on the wrong side of the cup.

I wish you all lots of luck,
In the bettering you!
We are all a work in progress,
So even if you take one step forward, and 10 steps back, stay strong do not regress!