Monday, February 13, 2017


The journey isn't about becoming everything.
It's about unbecoming everything that isn't really you- so you can be who you were created to be.
This quote really opened my eyes.
And helped me realize,
My lists of goals no longer whole.
Instead of ridding the concept of being lazy to get out of bed,
I’ll replace that with appreciation to wake each day.
There is no need to find a cure for irritation,
When one can simply work on their patience and appreciation.
We learn behaviors as a child,
They become our nurture, our natural response.
So we assume these behaviors become us.
If a child is mocked each time they fuss,
To mock a fussing child will only be natural to them.
But does that say mockery is a part of them?
Or only a bullying behavior they have nurtured as a child?
Therefore turning their more gentle nature into wild.
Teach the child the concept of kindness,
And you will redeem the pain the child does posses.
So the child can be who they always strived to be.
And no longer held back by characteristics,
they were always told is simply part of their personality.

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